A recent study published in the February 2022 issue of the American Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation has led to a potential new insight in predicting long term post-concussion symptoms.
Researchers considered 22 variables from the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th edition Symptom Evaluation and analysed the data from 273 patients treated for concussion within 14 days of injury.
Their findings were that two of the variables – a feeling of fogginess and sadness – indicate a greater risk of a prolonged recovery (28 days or more). This is also known as Persistent Post-Concussive Syndrome.
I’ve Suffered a Head Injury – What Does This Mean for Me?
Anyone who follows sports knows concussions are a common but a dangerous part of the game. Chances are, however, if you’ve been in a recent accident on the road, at work, or even out in a public place and suffered a concussion, persistent fogginess and sadness might indicate a potential traumatic brain injury.
Some experts believe that persistent post-concussive symptoms are caused by structural damage to the brain. Others believe that post-concussion symptoms are psychological in nature, noting their similarity to those diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or PTSD.
The first step after suffering an injury is to seek medical assistance to avoid making your injury any worse. Importantly, the symptoms of fogginess and sadness can be observed by medical treaters at the initial assessment without extending the consultation.
Secondly, if your feelings of fogginess and sadness persist, you should contact a skilled personal injury lawyer for advice on your potential claim. Henry Carus + Associates can help you in determining if you are entitled to compensation for your injuries.
Contact Henry Carus + Associates Today
Henry Carus + Associates are well-versed in pursuing compensation for those that have suffered serious head injuries. We are committed to protecting the rights of those injured in accidents occurring in transport, the workplace, and public spaces and help them achieve full recovery for their losses.
If you are suffering persistent feelings of fogginess and sadness following a head injury, You Deserve More. Our team will fully assess your current and future damages and make a strong claim on your behalf.
Please call Henry Carus + Associates at 03 9001 1318 today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our highly skilled and knowledgeable personal injury compensation lawyers serve clients in Melbourne and throughout VIC.