The Story about this Public Liability Claim
By way background, Anne and her partner (have four children under the age of 18) remained unemployed for over 10 years. They continue to receive income support of Centerlink. Anne volunteers at the neighbourhood watch centre.
On 17 August 2015, Anne and her partner went for a coffee with friends at the QPO restaurant. It was a rainy day. As she was exiting the restaurant she slipped and tumbled down 8 stairs case landing heavily on a concrete floor at a restaurant.
She suffered bilateral knee and coccyx injuries. She sought treatment on the next day at Austin Hospital and underwent physiotherapy treatment for about 6 weeks. There was no active treatment two years prior or leading up to the settlement.
Actual Client Testimonial.
Hello Ciltra,
On reflection, I wish to thank you very much for all the technical and strategic work you put into my injury claim.
I had spoken to and left messages out of curiosity to a couple of law firms, with no response.
At this point, I was not going to persist with researching any other law firms. I thought it was a fruitless exercise. I did not have confidence in pursuing the claim with the lack of interest, no interest shown.
Then, I was most surprised and elated when a chat message of “Hello” popped up on my screen out of the blue and that was my queue - unbelievable.
The first point of connection and the rest is History. A Victory!
I wish to thank you Ciltra and Henry for consoling me into believing that this was possible. Because, upon reading the solicitors terms and conditions a person can feel be a little apprehensive about the consequences if one doesn’t fully understand at first glance. It is a journey, and the deeper I travelled through it, I became more confident that you indeed had my best interests at heart.
With my kindest regards
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