no win no fee lawyers melbourne
no win no fee lawyers melbourne

Nicholas Hutton

Our I.T. Manager is a self-confessed science nerd who enjoys reading about the latest developments in I.T. with keen interests in History, Politics, Music, Movies, Art, Design, and Engineering.

Don’t be fooled into thinking Nick is an indoors man though, as he also owns a Kawasaki Z900rs motorcycle, frequently on the road for weekend long rides!

With a wealth of knowledge and I.T. experience spanning over 20 years, our good-humoured I.T. Manager is a valuable member of our management team and our HC+A family.

Success Stories

Karina was employed as an activities coordinator.  Her employer thought because she was young, fit and healthy they could ask her to do a task outside of her normal job description without training or sufficient instructions. Unfortunately whilst doing this task Katrina suffered an injury. Her injury was caused by her employer not instructing her properly on what they considered to be an easy job. We felt the employer had...

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Success Stories

Huanxi was walking with her husband and carrying her grandson in the Box Hill Shopping Centre. She slipped on a food item on the floor and suffered a fracture to the knee that caused her significant disability. Her claim become complicated when, just before a mediation a year ago, she fell off a chair and suffered a fractured spine. The issue was whether the fall off the chair was connected...

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Success Stories

Chi Hong is an example of us persisting with a claim, no matter how small the claim may be. Chi Hong came to us after she slipped on liquid at a well-known shopping centre in her community. She landed on her knee after the fall, resulting in a fracture that required surgery. Fortunately for Chi Hong, she recovered well from her injury. The Medical Panel found that she did not...

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Success Stories

Sharon came to our office after suffering an extensive back injury at work. Her matter was complicated by a prior WorkCover incident, some 8 years before, and the nature of her work environment at the time that her accident had occurred. Once we had an opportunity to review all of Sharon’s history, including her recent injury, we advised her that she should submit two separate WorkCover claims seeking compensation –...

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Success Stories

Prior to her transport accident Yafan was a happy and outgoing lady, often playing musical instruments with friends and dancing at events. Since her accident she has been in significant pain and has sought the assistance of numerous treaters. Due to the extent of her injuries she has spent a lot of her time at specialists and travelling from medical appointment to medical appointment. Yafan was very dedicated and worked...

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Success Stories

Cliff was a pedestrian who was struck by a car and injured while crossing the road in 2008. He suffered a serious knee injury and has not been able to return to his employment as a specialised bricklayer or find other suitable work. Cliff was offered an early settlement of $225,000.00, and we were able to secure him after further work on his behalf an agreed lump sum payment of...

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Success Stories

Kerry came to us following a transport accident in September 2019. While stationary on the off ramp of a freeway, Kerry’s car was hit hard from behind by another vehicle, with the extreme force shunting her and her car across the road and ending up on the median strip. While it was a clear that the other driver was at fault, the difficulty in Kerry’s matter was that she had...

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Success Stories

In 2018, after many years of hard laborious work, experienced mine truck driver Wayne was injured when getting equipment from the back of a truck. Often seen in these types of manual labour duties, this caused Wayne to suffer a back injury. Our team were able to assist Wayne through the complicated Workcover process while supporting him through this difficult time. We were able to achieve a positive compensation outcome...

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Success Stories

William came to Henry Carus + Associates a few years after his accident. He was renting a home at the time of the accident and fell through an external staircase, suffering a severe shoulder injury. According to William, the wooden staircase had rotted and, although he and his partner had complained about it, the owner of the property had done nothing about it. A maintenance man by trade, the shoulder...

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Success Stories

Rodney suffered from a serious neck injury and psychological sequelae at work and had to undergo a three-level spinal fusion operation. Being unaware of his rights, he did not submit a workers compensation claim at the time.  Rodney sought our legal advice three years after his surgery, and we assisted him submit a workers compensation claim and a serious injury application. Despite his work cover claim not being accepted, we...

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